The OTR Reset Tool is a plug-and-play tool that allows you to run commands such as forced DPF regen in less than 5 minutes.

What is OTR Reset Tool?

OTR Reset Tool is a bi-directional command diagnostic tool that makes it quick and easy to get your truck back on the road.

Our patented algorithm means that as soon as you plug in the tool, it immediately starts working. No special diagnostic software, hardware, or button-mashing needed.

You’ll have the power to reset fault codes, reset the aftertreatment system by reprogramming all the parameters to default values, and if necessary, perform a forced DPF regen of the DPF. Anywhere, anytime.

Engine and Chassis Coverage

Chassis Coverage
Peterbilt Trucks – All Models
Kenworth Trucks - All models

Engine | Year
MX-11 | 2011-2015
MX-13 | 2011-2015
MX-11 | 2016-2019
MX-13 | 2016-2019
MX-11 | 2020-2021
MX-13 | 2020-2021

NOTE: It is necessary to locate the color of your diagnostic plug on the truck underneath the dash.

Green 9 Pin diagnostic port you will need a 2016+ version OTR Reset Tool.

Black 9 Pin diagnostic plug you will need a 2011 - 2015 version OTR Reset Tool.

In less than 1 minute, handle DTC issues including ...

Reset Active Fault Codes

Fault codes that determine that there is an existing issue. Certain active fault codes can be cleared, however, if the problem has not been fixed the fault code will reappear prompting you to seek service.

Reset Inactive Fault Codes.

Fault codes that indicate that there was a previous issue.

Reset first-time ‘Ghost’ Codes.

What are ghost codes? Specific trucks will display fault codes on the dashboard, and most of the time you’ll have a check engine light or a check module message. After this, a screen will appear stating that the error has occurred. Many of the codes that appear on your dashboard fall into the category of “ghost” codes, meaning that the fault code was triggered by certain conditions that are nearly impossible to recreate.

How the OTR Reset Tool helps with high soot notifications & derates

When a failure occurs, this will prompt you a “high soot” notification on your dash and will derate your vehicle to seek service. You’d need to take the filter off the vehicle and send it to an approved DPF cleaning shop so they can assess how badly it’s clogged. If the filter is a good candidate for cleaning, then you’d perform that service and reinstall the filter on your vehicle.

This is where the reset tool comes in handy — because your filter is clean, but your engine controllers don’t know it yet! The OTR Reset Tool resets the system so your engine knows it’s operating with a cleaned filter.

Overcome aftertreatment issues in 3 minutes or less ...

Reset EGR Derates / DPF Derates. Accumulators
EGR / DPF derates have stored values in the engine control module and aftertreatment control module (ECM/ACM). Reset the EGR / DPF derate is necessary to perform after the replacement of engine or aftertreatment components.

Reset DEF / SCR Derates
DEF / SCR derates have stored values in the engine control module and aftertreatment control module (ECM/ACM). Reset of the DEF derate is necessary to perform after the replacement of aftertreatment components.

Reset Aftertreatment Learned Data
Measurement of learned data based on various engine components to adjust your injection timing based on characteristics of your engine sensor values

Reset DPF Regeneration Timers
Measurement of time since the last DPF regen occurred. The calculation is based on time, miles driven, and fuel usage

Reset DPF Soot Levels
DPF soot levels have stored values in the engine control module and aftertreatment control module (ECM/ACM). DPF soot levels determine the status of your soot level in your DPF system. Reset of the DPF soot level is necessary to perform after replacement or cleaning of DOC/DPF filter.

Initiate a Forced DPF Regen

A forced DPF regen is performed when a diagnostic scan tool, such as the OTR Reset Tool, starts the regen process. The DPF soot load could be too high for a passive or active regen to occur, meaning you’ll need to perform a forced DPF regen.

When to start a forced DPF regen?

✔️ When the soot level is too high for a passive or active regen to occur

✔️ When maintenance items are replaced on the aftertreatment system in order for you to clear certain fault code

✔️ To keep your DPF filters clean, which can save you fuel mileage and prevent breakdowns

Who's the OTR Reset Tool for?

The OTR Reset Tool is for fleet owners, owner-operators and drivers who are tired of paying every month for check engine lights, regens, and resets. 

With this tool, you’ll instantly be able to:

  • Cut down on the days your vehicles spend in repair shops
  • Get a deeper insight into your engine’s performance and each rig’s unique quirks
  • Drive confidently at night or out of state with less worrying about getting stuck

If you’ve ever lost a day (or a load) due to breakdowns, engine faults, soot level, or mysterious, un-re-creatable ghost codes, you need this tool.

What's in the box

OTR Reset Tool

Diagnostic Harness

Instruction Manual

5-Year Warranty


Please read our FAQs page to find out more.

What does a forced regen do?

Forced regeneration is a diagnostic process that builds temperature to burn soot accumulation down to ash within the DPF filter. During this process, the truck's computer can closely monitor and test multiple portions of the after treatment system. This type of regeneration can only be performed when a diagnostic tool starts the process within the truck's computer.

What if the fault codes do not go away?

Yes, this can happen! If you have an existing issue or “Active Fault,” you must correct the issue or perform a DPF regen for the code to go inactive.

Will this fix my truck?

The OTR Reset Tool helps avoid problems, aid in resetting parameters, and running a forced regen. However, if you have any component failures related to the aftertreatment system, they will still require repair.

Will a forced regen void my warranty?

Resetting faults, resetting soot levels, and running forced regens will NOT void your warranty.

How often to do a forced regen?

A forced regen can be performed as often as possible. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend once every couple of weeks to ensure that the filters are maintained.


  1. This product will not bypass the operation of any emission control component. This tool is used to reset the modules after replacing aftertreatment components or initiating a forced regeneration.
  2. You can use your display to find out what your fault codes mean or OTR Diagnostics. Some heavy-duty trucks will not allow you to view your fault codes. In such a case you will need to plug into a diagnostic software to read the DTC or OTR Diagnostics.
  3. Having a failed part will not remove the derate. You must repair the issue to reset the derate.